John B. McElhatton

John B. McElhatton is a retired FBI agent who has been involved in hundreds of digital investigations since 1990 in both the FBI and the corporate world. He has extensive experience following leads, gathering evidence and testifying in court. 


Pedro L. Quiñones Traverzo, PhD

Dr. Quiñones is a digital forensic subject matter expert.  He is experienced in the forensic acquisition and analysis of digital devices, performing network security audits, network penetration testing, and intrusion prevention. His extensive knowledge of computer systems and networking provide Dr. Quiñones with a unique advantage in the field of digital forensics.


Chris Hartung

Chris Hartung is a retired FBI with over 30 years of extensive operational experience in the targeting and recruitment of foreign intelligence officers and the development of reliable and well-placed sources. In 2010, Mr. Hartung became Director of Operations at 3D Forensics, Inc. In that capacity, Mr. Hartung has successfully expanded the business development efforts to include several Fortune 300 Companies. By working with business’s Directors of Security or Legal Counsel (compliance issues) Mr. Hartung has been able to bridge the information gap between client and provider.


Full CV’s, list of client references and court appearances are available upon request.